sermons & lectures
“I love to preach! And I love to be with faith communities who are open to thinking, learning, and questioning how God is calling Christians to work for justice in these perilous times. Given the way theology has been used to blame and shame women having abortions, it can be affirming and even challenging to hear messages of liberation and justice about abortion and reproductive justice as moral goods. I would love to come and talk with your faith community about these issues.”
The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters
Interested in having
Rev. Dr. Peters speak to your congregation?
Check out the descriptions of three public sermons she’s prepared to bring to your congregation.
See more of Rev. Dr. Peters’ preaching below.
Grounded in rereading 1 Timothy (I permit no woman to preach or teach) and the Garden of Eden narrative to discuss the history of misogyny that pervades Christianity (and our culture) and that serves as a context for understanding abortion legislation, it focuses on hermeneutics and invites people to engage in reimagining how we might interpret the garden story in ways that encourage us to trust women as moral agents who reflect the imago Dei.
Centering Micah 6:8 and the Sermon on the Mount to prompt us to think about the radicality of Jesus’ message that upends cultural expectations, linking that to the findings of my current research in the Abortion & Religion project which also upends cultural expectations about women who have abortions by showing that these women are thoughtful, compassionate, and caring people who make decisions to end pregnancies out of hesed (loving kindness). I end by offering that if Jesus were preaching the sermon on the mount today, he might offer a new beatitude: “Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.”
Focuses on challenging and transforming the three imaginaries that shape the conversation about abortion in our culture today – that the Bible says abortion is a sin; that people of faith are against abortion; and that women who have abortions are bad. I reclaims Ps 139 as a positive vision in support of reproductive justice and invite the congregation to embrace theologies of reproductive dignity, justice, and love.
Beyond the Abortion Imaginary
Community Church of Chapel Hill
July 9, 2023
NCCC Legislative Seminar
Raleigh, NC
May 17, 2023
Clergy Press Conference on SB20
Raleigh, NC
May 17, 2023
A New Beatitude
First Presbyterian Church
Durham, NC
Feb 26, 2023
“What to Do About the Disobedient Daughters of Eve?”
First Presbyterian Church of Mankato
Mankato, MN
October 9, 2022
Can We Talk?
Progressive Christian & Jewish Perspectives on Abortion
Cathedral of the Rockies
Boise, ID
November 9, 2022
A Dialogue on Reproductive Justice, Religion, and the Law
Scuppernong Bookstore (with Jaclyn Maffetore, ACLU NC lawyer)
Greensboro, NC
October 28, 2022
Reproductive & Economic Justice in a Post-Roe Landscape
Vanderbilt Divinity School
October 24, 2022
The Christian Calling to Protect Women’s Right to Choose
Union Theological Seminary
New York, NY
March 23, 2022
Faith and Reproductive Justice Panel
World Student Christian Federation - US
March 8, 2022
Lenten Bible Detox
Jeremiah 1:4-9
March 29, 2022
Is the Pro-choice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
September 23, 2021
A Time to Speak
Sermon: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Pilgrim UCC
San Diego
Sept. 15, 2019
In Our Own Words
Women, Religion, and Choice
Iliff School of Theology
Nov. 16, 2018