The Reverend Doctor Rebecca Todd Peters is a
scholar, teacher, and preacher, dedicated to helping the public think differently about reproductive justice.
The Rev. Dr. Peters is Professor of Religious Studies and Founding Director of the Poverty and Social Justice Program at Elon University.
Her work as a feminist social ethicist is focused on globalization, economic, environmental, and reproductive justice. Her first book, In Search of the Good Life: The Ethics of Globalization (Continuum, 2004), won the 2003 Trinity Book Prize and her second monograph, Solidarity Ethics: Transformation in a Globalized World, was published in January 2014 with Fortress Press. She has published 25 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and co-edited five books including Justice in a Global Economy: Strategies for Home, Community and World (Westminster/John Knox, 2006) and To Do Justice: A Guide for Progressive Christians (Westminster/John Knox, 2008). Her latest co-edited book Encountering the Sacred: Feminist Reflections on Women’s Lives was published with T & T Clark in 2018.
She is the past President of the American Academy of Religion, Southeast Region, was Elon University’s 2011-12 Distinguished Scholar, and received a Senior Faculty Research Fellowship from Elon (2018-2020). She represented Elon on the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty Council where she was elected to serve as the Chair of the SHECP Council and the SHECP Governing Board (2018-19). She served as a Public Fellow with PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute) from 2018-2021, received the Walter Wink Scholar Activist award from Auburn Seminary in 2018, and serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She is the President-elect of the Society of Christian Ethics.
Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), she has been active denominationally and ecumenically for over thirty years and represented the PCUSA as a member of the Faith and Order Standing Commission of the World Council of Churches from 2006-2023. She served as co-moderator of the Faith and Order study on Moral Discernment in the Churches and has also worked extensively on many justice initiatives of the WCC, including Alternative Globalization Addressing People and the Earth (AGAPE); Poverty, Wealth, and Ecology (PWE) and the Economy of Life program. In November 2017, she served as a consultant to the World Communion of Reformed Churches to plan and co-lead a Consultation on Human Sexuality.
She is a graduate of Rhodes College (B.A.), and Union Theological Seminary in New York (M.Div., Ph.D., Christian Social Ethics).
Awards Rev. Dr. Peters has received include the Foreword INDIES Silver Award, Women’s Studies, 2018 and Honorable Mention, Religion, 2018 (for Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice); Nautilus Silver Award, Religion/Spirituality of Western Thought category, 2018 (for Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice); Walter Wink Scholar-Activist Award, Auburn Seminary, 2018; Distinguished Scholar Award, Elon University, 2012; CHOICE Award for Outstanding Academic Title, American Library Association, (for Justice in a Global Economy: Strategies for Home, Community, and World), 2007; Honorable Mention, Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights 2005 Outstanding Book Awards (for In Search of the Good Life: The Ethics of Globalization); Excellence in Scholarship Award, Elon College of Arts and Sciences, 2004; Trinity Prize, Trinity Press International, 2003 (for In Search of the Good Life: The Ethics of Globalization); Jepson Award (University of Richmond) for Outstanding Dissertation in Leadership Studies, 2002; and Anne M. Bennett and John C. Bennett Fellowship, 1996.

“Most white Christians are good people who don’t understand themselves to be prejudiced. That’s one of the insidious things about prejudice — it is invisible to those who hold it.”
— Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters
In her most recent book, Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice (Beacon, 2018, distributed by Penguin/Random House), Peters outlines how the justification framework shaping current American discussion of abortion is fatally flawed and argues that the framework of Reproductive Justice offers a more ethically robust opportunity for public dialogue. Trust Women received the 2018 Indies Silver Award for Women’s Studies and the 2018 Nautilus Silver Award for Religion/Spirituality of Western Thought.
She is currently working on the Abortion & Religion project with colleagues Zahra Ayubi, Monique Moultrie, and Michal Raucher. Together the team is interviewing religiously identified women who are having abortions about their abortion experiences.